So long Super Woman

October 29, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

I've always been a fan of comics. Not a die-hard fan or anything I mean I do own an iron man costume but that's about it. I don't have heaps of memorabilia they're just something i've always enjoyed watching. I don't know the backstory from birth to current day of the villains and superheroes. I don't know superman's social security or batman's blood type. I'm not even sure if that information exists i'm just trying to prove my point that I just don't follow them that closely more so the big picture.. I think the reason I like the comics so much is the good vs evil aspect. The good guys win but not without a fight.  There's usually even some sort of a struggle where you're on the edge of your seat wondering if the main character will overcome the bad guy and his evil schemes. Thankfully the good guys were given some sort of a special skill or indestructible trademarks like shields, helmets, outfits or jewelry that make them stand out and usually help them win the battle.
It's easy to watch these shows and want to be a good guy. They just seem to have it all together which makes sense why growing up many of us want to be just like them one super hero or another..
I mean what woman doesn't want to be wonder woman. She's pretty, honest, strong, hard working and she's trained in hand to hand combat! Lets not forget her tiara which can be used as a boomerang uhhh that's pretty freaking awesome! 
Anyway, we grow up flooded with movies and images that leave us with nothing but unrealistic expectations. Expectations to be good at everything. You know what I mean. There's this pressure to always have everything in place because social media is flooded with the perfect moments even though we didn't see them post the 15 bad ones before that. It's easy to get caught up in the hype of only reading people's highlights and then comparing it to our lives. In turn we end up thinking we need to do more or be more than what we are because that person over there is doing more.

So here I am building my photography business and learning more and more about myself each shoot. I try really hard not to compare my journey to other photographers because we are all so different and our stories and lives are so incredibly different. Instead i'm focusing more on learning about my style, what I like to shoot, what I don't like to shoot and what my goals are as a photographer. Well I recently decided that I don't really feel called to do weddings any more. I don't mind shooting them as a second shooter I just don't really want the stress and pressure of shooting the wedding as the main photographer. It's not that it's a bad feeling when i'm done shooting a wedding it's just different.

When I walk away from shooting something I don't love to do I'm drained. I dread doing it, I can't wait until it's over and i'm exhausted after it's over. Y'all know exactly what I mean because we ALL have been there before.. but why?

Well the other day a friend of mine was talking to me about upcoming shoots and they said "say yes to everything" and my very quick response was "that's a very dangerous suggestion." We agreed to disagree and moved on but I honestly couldn't stop thinking about it. 

Lysa Terkeurest sums it up so well in one of her books;
"Saying yes to everything doesn't make us wonder woman it makes us a worn out woman. "

Isn't that the world we live in?       "Say yes to everything! Be good at everything!"  
Well I hate to be the one to deliver the bad news but unless you're a fictional superhero you're not good at everything. Sorry friends, but you're not and neither am I but you know what? THAT IS OKAY. We aren't meant to be good at everything.
We must not confuse the command to love with the disease to please.
BOOM! If you're an overcommitted person that'll hit ya like a box of rocks!

I'm not meant to be good at every single type of photography. I could be okay at a lot of types but to me, in my own personal opinion it makes so much more sense to pick one or two genres and really hit a home run. I mean think about it whenever we go to a doctor for something and we are referred to a specialist we want a specialist that pretty much focuses on that one thing. We don't ever say oh you're not good enough because you're not an expert on all things. So why do we put this unrealistic pressure on ourselves to say yes to everything? Further more... why do we keep doing things that don't feed our soul? Life is wayyy too incredibly short to get caught up in this hype of all these things we should be doing to make other people happy just so we can appear to have our lives perfectly put together. Saying yes to everything may at first appear to have everything together because you're doing everything and handling it all but it comes at a price. Eventually you'll be run down, exhausted and lost. Trust me friends, you will lose yourself when you constantly say yes to things that don't feed your soul.
When God sees you doing your part and developing the skill that He has given you He will do His part and open doors that no man can shut. But until we start focusing on what God wants us to do that can't happen. How do we do that? Well for starters we need to start saying YES to things that we know we are supposed to say yes to and say NO to things that we KNOW we aren't supposed to be doing. I mean think about it.. even each super hero was given their own special tools to get the job done and once they focused on each of their own skills they filled a role that no one else could fill. If someone asked Wonder Woman to shoot webs out of her hand she'd probably laugh and tell them they're stupid. She knows what she's good at and she says no to the things that she's not meant to do!


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