
January 30, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

For those of you that follow along on Facebook you're aware that i've done Saturday stumpers. Today is Saturday but i'm not posting a stumper. Instead i'm writing about what's happening in the upcoming month (February 2016).

In our quaint little town called Fonda, NY we have a free library called The Frothingham Free Library. 
You can find the link to their site here --> http://fonlib.blogspot.com/
Or their Facebook site here --> https://www.facebook.com/Frothingham-Free-Library-210067839018795/?fref=ts

For as long as I can remember this library has been a part of my life. When I was younger we used to rent our favorite books and if we were lucky we would get to rent a VHS. They even offer classes and have guest speakers and artists.  It's truly a wonderful place that our community is blessed to have!

One of my personal goals was to start doing photo posts on local small businesses which is why I was thrilled when our local library called me and asked if i'd be willing to display some photos. Heck yeah! What a wonderful opportunity as a growing small business to partner up with another small business and invest in the community together!
I don't show much of my work but i'm trying to be better about it. Most of the work I plan to display is my own personal stuff (flowers, landscapes and maybe a couple portraits) instead of photos from family sessions.
So on Monday i'll mozy down the hill to the library to set up my images and I hope that some of you will take a minute to stop in.
However the purpose of this post is to let you know about a fun little giveaway!

For the whole month of February while my images will be displayed at the Frothingham Free Library there will be this box near the front desk.
Every visit to the library you have and take out a book you can enter into a drawing for a complimentary 30 minute photo shoot (Immediate family only/children)

The requirements are as easy as that. Visit the library and take out at least one book (&please bring it back in time).
If you go 10 times and take something out each visit that's 10 entries. If you go 5 times and take something out that's 5 entries. Got it? Great! I hope that you and your family will take advantage of this wonderful place and i'm so glad to be a teensy weensy tiny part of it.


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